by Inna Gray | Jun 8, 2018 | Cleaning Tips
If you are planning to sell your home, you must have a general idea on how to prepare for it. You might need to improve the presentation of your house to attract people who might want it. You may need to ask a real estate agent to assist you to enhance its appearance. Follow the following steps before selling your house. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Apr 3, 2018 | Cleaning Tips
Flооring is оnе of the biggest dесiѕiоnѕ a homeowner mаkеѕ. Sоmе love thе softness оf carpet, thе wау it mufflеѕ fооtѕtерѕ аnd cushions little tuѕhiеѕ whеn they tаkе a tumble.
Some реорlе сhаmрiоn hаrdwооd’ѕ nаturаl bеаutу. It’s еаѕу to сlеаn аnd саn lооk nеw for dесаdеѕ if саrеd for properly. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Apr 2, 2018 | Cleaning Tips
As a busy mom, you may not have enough time to go to the gym regularly. Still, that doesn’t mean you are out of options. At House Keeper London, we know that there are plenty of ways in which you can incorporate a workout into your daily chores. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Mar 21, 2018 | Cleaning Tips
Tell me what terrifies you the most when owning a cat? Could it be its naughtiness or the hyperactive claws? At House Keeper London we say No. By having those adorable felines, we have accepted that. What I am talking about is the horrible odour that comes from their urine. It welcomes you right the moment you set foot in the house and won’t go away easily without some serious treatments. (more…)
by Inna Gray | Mar 9, 2018 | Cleaning Tips
It may not seem possible at first, but yes – you CAN clean a whole house in an hour or less. It can be done, but it takes focus and hard work. Forget your phone and social networks, don’t allow yourself to become distracted as you gather together discarded magazines and make sure the TV/radio is switched off. If you keep moving and follow these handy cleaning tips from Vale Carpet Cleaning then you will have that house cleaned faster than you ever thought possible. (more…)