Bring Back The Shine To The Parquet

The hardwood flooring in your rental unit was a major attraction at the beginning of your tenancy, and many of your friends envied your well-polished parquet shine. But the time to move out has come, and you’ve noticed that the wood floor is not as shiny as it should be. Returning the shine to a hardwood floor is no simple task, especially if you have neglected your maintenance obligations. (more…)

How to Clean Hand Lotion Stains

If you are a lady, then may I ask you how often you have to deal with cosmetic stains on your clothes?! Well, I am sure that you have been in a situation when a drop of your hand lotion falls on your pants and I am sure this has happened to you at least several times, am I right?! (more…)

Why Choose Short Term Tenancy

Short term rental agreements are becoming more and more popular nowadays, due to the hard economic situation many landlords are not willing to give a long-term rental lease, therefore a month-to-month or six month agreement is preferable. Another explanation of the current boom in short term agreements is the fact that a good number of property owners before buying a house prefer to rent a house in the neighborhood for a while in order to get to know the area and the local real estate market. (more…)

How to Clean Your Oven

Whatever you do to prevent your oven from getting dirty, there always will be spills, splashes and baked food leftovers on the walls, the rims inside the oven. You will have to eventually clean the oven, and we are here to give you the best solutions for it. (more…)

How to Clean Smoke

Whether you are a smoker or not, this piece of writing is for you. Living in a fog of smoke is not a good thing. That is, for instance, why people go outside for a smoke. But, occasionally you get together with your palls and someone lights up a smoke or two. Out of politeness you will allow them to proceed. But, the stench will be the one you will have to deal with later. And here is how. (more…)