9 best tips for cleaning cat urine

Domestic Cleaning MelbourneTell me what terrifies you the most when owning a cat? Could it be its naughtiness or the hyperactive claws? At House Keeper London we say No. By having those adorable felines, we have accepted that. What I am talking about is the horrible odour that comes from their urine. It welcomes you right the moment you set foot in the house and won’t go away easily without some serious treatments. (more…)

How To Clean Your Whole House In Under 60 Minutes

How to Customise Your Kitchen Interior

It may not seem possible at first, but yes – you CAN clean a whole house in an hour or less. It can be done, but it takes focus and hard work. Forget your phone and social networks, don’t allow yourself to become distracted as you gather together discarded magazines and make sure the TV/radio is switched off. If you keep moving and follow these handy cleaning tips from Vale Carpet Cleaning then you will have that house cleaned faster than you ever thought possible. (more…)

Exercise to Tighten your body with Spring Cleaning

This Spring brought to us warmth and longer days almost as if it is meant to be a wake up call to get our thought, bodies and homes in order. And even though our bodies are still adjusting to the time and weather change we know there is no time to waste – it’s time to act. Those who start acting on getting in shape for the wonderful summer to come soon, are often constrained by time. So what a better way to do the spring cleaning chores, but to combine them with workout.
